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Huseby Skole, Oslo, Norway
Threshold is a playful installation that blurs the lines between inside & outside of the schools playground perimeter and creates a window to the outside world through the colorful glass slats. The slats ensure the same tectonic principle as the wooden noise barrier.
Facing south, the overlapping glass slats create a colorful shadow play on the asphalt that moves like a sundial and offers the ability to educate the children about time, movement and color theory through simple charcoal drawings.

Typology: Permanent Installation
Location: Huseby Skole, Oslo, Norway
Year: 2017
Status: Completed
Size: >5 m2
Client: Kulturetaten Oslo
Photographer: Jiri Havran
Team: Johann Magnus Kjartansson, Marit Justine Haugen, Dan Zohar
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