Sea You Soon
Coastal Park in Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv, Israel
Simple ideas, applicable solutions, collective efforts and resources and the concept of sustainability were key factors for
realizing the vision of Tel-Aviv at the early 20th century. Introducing a new neighbourhood of 12,000 housing units and a park of 500 hectares is a development process which will affect the city's identity and impacts its character.
The winning proposal “Sea you soon”, adopts the above approach as a starting point for planning a future coastal park surronding the new neighbourhoods. The area is dominantly occupied with sandstone cliffs and sand dunes advocating the importance of conservation to respond to the rapid development. The project introduces a coastal park and an urban park which will stand out as examples for urban development that builds and strengthens ecosystems as densification of the city is ongoing.

The Coastal Park
The coastal park feature points of interest like an environmental-educational centre, linear systems for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and creating neighbourhood-level sequences, urban and metropolitan, ensuring connectivity, traffic and accessibility. At the same time unite ecological systems with, flora and birds.
Birds Hideouts hideouts for the birds that have been identified by us on the ground and in the survey.
The hideouts are site specific smaller structures to those offered in the linear park which scale adapted for hiding (about 20-30 square meters).

The Pavillions
The Forum

The Forum
A continuous surface extends the urban environment towards the west and positions the linear park as an open space structure, establishing an interesting dialogue with the coastal park. This large open space, The Forum, balances notions of a costal park and a square, hardscape and sand, sun and shade, the urban and the local. The Forum is proposed to oppose against and to prevent further expansion of large building volumes on the west side of the road.

The bio-nodes
Several open light structures - Bio-nodes - are proposed along the linear park.
These simple, refined structures allow for a myriad of activities to take place and they operate as a reinforcement of the urban sprawl in the Linear park. Throughout both, day and night, these structures announce the presence of the linear park to anyone driving by, or looking out on it from adjacent buildings.
Typology: Landscape, Park, Urban
Location: Tel Aviv, Israel
Year: 2016
Status: Competition entry, 1nd prize, On-going
Size: 500 ha
Client: Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Collaborators: Studio Urbanof, Ecologist Dr. Ron Fromkin, Sea Arch
Team: Johann Magnus Kjartansson, Marit Justine Haugen, Dan Zohar