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RS Noatun Sports hall

Horten, Norway


The RS Sports Hall will be the new home for physical activities and specialized sea rescue training at Noatun. The building consists of two main functions: a multifunctional sports hall and a highly specialized sea rescue exercise pool including, a wave generator, weather simulation, and helicopter crash training.
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The midpart of the building contains all technical and support functions, as well as the main entrance. In this way, circulation and area efficiency are optimized whereas the two large training functions share a common area between them.


The building load bearing system mainly consists of CLT and glulam structures. The façades are a combination of timber cladding and glulam lamellas. 

The Sports hall also acts as the campus’s power generator with solar panels covering the whole roof area generating up to 108.000 kWh per year.

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Longitudinal section

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Cross section

Typology:  Sport hall

Location:  Horten, Norway

Year:  2022-2023

Status:  Under construction

Size:  2482 m2

Client:  The Norwegian Sea Rescue Society (RS)

Collaborators:  Betonmast

Contractor:  Betonmast

Team: Marco Boella, Marit Justine Haugen, Dan Zohar

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