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Julius Paltiel's Square

Trondheim, Norway


Julius Paltiels was one of the 26 Norwegian Jews who returned from Auschwitz. For his tireless continuity in telling about the inhumaneness in the Nazi extermination camps, Paltiel was awarded St. Olav's Medal. Paltiel died at the age of 83 and was buried in Trondheim, the city where he was born.


The memorial place for Paltiel at Kalvskinnet in Trondheim is a calm, green space that reveals a place for contemplation, dialog and play. The proposal envisages that the park can be used for temporary projects and holds various urban spaces that can accommodate a variety of users.


The parks main intention is to foster a dialog on the most fundamental human right, namely freedom. The proposal suggest the round table as a symbol of a democratic scene, where everyone has an equal place in the community and everyone has an equal voice in the public sphere.

Plassen skal være tankevekkende og visuelt samlende, samtidig som det skal tilføre byrommet og arkitekturen rundt en ny dimensjon.
Forslaget legger opp til at hele parken kan brukes til temporære prosjekter og innehar ulike byrom som kan romme variert bruk. 

Vegetation from east to west in the park.

Colour testing

With colour tests performed, the denominations in yellow, orange and red gives the optimum colour combination. The table plate emerges as warm.In autumn, the leaves will form an extra layer of similar denominations, and be one with the surroundings.


The round table's content is carried out by 25mm acid proof iron welded together. These empty fields are filled with hand casted epoxy cast. The table is colourful and contains light so the work will form a bright, warm place at night. The table's visual character varies during the day, with the sun's reflections and Trondheim's constantly changing sky.

En minnepark er et sted for hedring og kontemplasjon men også et sted der fremtid, håp og formidling bør vektlegges. 
Parken bør være et sted der balansepunktet mellom fortid, nåtid og fremtid kommer til uttrykk. Forslaget “Det Runde Bordet” har som hovedintensjon å utforme Julius Paltiels Plass til en unik, identitetsskapende og aktiv plass for Trondheims befolkning. Plassen skal kunne romme høytidelige og alvorspregede arrangementer, men også invitere til en mer uformell, dagligdags bruk.

Typology:  Art, Installation, Memorial, Urban

Location:  Trondheim, Norway

Year:  2015

Status:  Competition entry, 1st prize, Completed

Size:  1000 m2

Client:  Trondheim Municipality

Collaborators:  Nina Wang Landscape Architect, Sigrid Stjernevang Light

Team:  Maria Inês Correia, Marit Justine Haugen, Dan Zohar

Media:  NRK

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